Dogs are Different & So is Their Training
February 26, 2021
Each Dog Requires A Different Approach
The approach we take with every dog is with an open mind. No dog is ever the same, meaning the approach to each individual dog must be different.
It is important to always read each individual dog as they present themselves in each moment. Without an open mind and the ability to be a creative success will be limited.
What worked for the previous dog may or may not work for the next. Said dogs improvements may or may not be the same as the next.
The iTrainK9 one month board & train obedience program focuses on teaching your dog to remain calm in various environments and work on their issues.
Your dog will learn to be recalled reliably, sit, stay, down, drop it, car & crate manners, indoor off-leash, environmental exposure and more.
We address multiple behavioural issues including leash pulling, doorbell reactivity, jumping, excessive or demanding barking etc.